Saturday, April 29, 2006


The only thing that scares the hell out of me these days is sponco. I have done some research on the internet about it, the theories, the causes.. One, deposits of flammable body fats in excess, two, build up of static energy inside the body, you know , which results in something similar to short circuits ..stuff like that. Randy Marsh knows better than anyone else.
Though it aint proved thoritically, I believe high temparatures results in sponco. And on the top of it, we have exams at the great ole MVSR, the place that burns your ::beep:: off before you could smell something is burning. I remember the first ride to MVSR, somewhere before first year exams, which took us one hour to find it and one-half more to reach there.
The person who has above 80pc attendence in this college should be awarded the ultimate survivor award, seriously. We had real tough time during first two years, especially me. Then for two semesters it was 'da coolest exam center of all', MJCT, just 10min from my home, I had a real home advantage during the exams.
Now, take a badminton court, build walls around it, make some holes to the walls and fill those holes with benches and call 'em classes, call the entire setup a college and compare it with deccan. whoala.. no difference? you are just right there. It was our exam center last semester. Though the place aint cool, the results were definitely cool.
But this time its just a perfect combination for a complete disaster, MVSR+High temparatures+long rides(equals=)greater chances of sponco. Thats the reason why Im scared. You see a person in black shoes and few minutes later you see black shoes..but no person. Or you see a person on a bicycle, the next moment you see the bicycle crashing into curbs with the person no where to be seen. Thats the power of sponco. Despite that I decided to take the know..,I had to. My MC paper was more of my assumptions on MC than the actual answers, and ES was like 'write what I remember' kinda paper. I am very happy to have successfully completed two of my exams without being subjected to sponco. Because Im still here and they killed Kenny!! So what is sponco?


Anonymous said...

what is spanco?

Vamshi Mukund said...

spontaneous combustion

Anonymous said...

thnx for clarifying tht i was just gonna ask u tht.

Anonymous said...

Haha... nice one dude ! U jus jotted down whats been running in my head !

Anonymous said...

vamshi i forgot to ask u yesterday.who r Randy Marsh and kenny

Phanindra K said...

Haha... I hope we really dont have to burn our *beep*s off as you say, at MVSR.
Thank God there is only one more exam, and we dont need to go there again, ever!
And for the information of the less informed, W is a big Southpark fan, and those are character from that he was referring to. :)

Anonymous said...

U 'll burn ur :beep: no matter where u go now, the summer has been simmering.The best place to stay at this time would be at ms ;) or at home. But I guess we'll be burning our :beep: this weekend for one last time hopefully[:D]

Ps :phani u dont need to react to others comments in this blog, u think ur some kind of a geek, ha.But i hope u need a fire engine on saturday when ur :beep: will be on fire .

Haritha said...

sponco? good invention... unlucky u poor souls burned off ur ::beeps::, we werent that unlucky. permanent rift saved us from deccan (thanngawd). mvsr is like a bus trip half way around hyd, if only there was no ppr waiting to be passed at the end of it (we were spared from that too!). exams done means freedom (from wot??)

Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.